
Individual therapy (ages 14-24ish)
There is so much to navigate during adolescence and emerging adulthood that is often minimized or misunderstood. There is also wisdom, transformation, and blossoming, that can arise out of the hardship.
I offer individual therapy sessions, in-person or via a secure telehealth platform, that support teens and young people through these specific times of challenge and opportunity.
Through this work, we can --
find & practice what helps lessen your suffering, improve your relationship to yourself, reconnect to joy, build a more secure understanding of who you are, and process the complexities of being human.
We can also unpack the connections related to trauma, cultural identities, and various forms of oppression that can affect our daily lives and the stories we have about ourselves.
For Parents & Caregivers
You shouldn't have to support your child alone. This life stage poses unique challenges and opportunities for parents & caregivers. Concerns around anxiety, depression, stress, managing & espressing emotions, isolation, and relationships are often exacerbated by navigating the push/pull nature of caregiver and child relationships during this phase of development.
Areas of Focus
Teens who may be hesitant about therapy We all come with our own feelings and experiences about therapy— not all of them positive. Starting therapy for the first time, or with a new therapist, can feel overwhelming. It can be hard to know where to start, where to begin to feel understood, and to trust someone with your story. It can feel scary and I honor that. Therapy doesn’t have to be a race to our deepest, darkest truths. I offer an approachable, creative, & collaborative style that can be a great fit for young people who might feel 😑/😬/🤐 about the whole therapy thing.
Youth & families seeking support around the following experiences Anxiety Depression Managing stress Loneliness & isolation Self acceptance & esteem Understanding & healing from trauma
Mixed/multiracial & BIPOC youth & young people Based on my own lived experience and values, I understand the importance of culturally responsive mental health care. I believe that nurturing a more whole & connected sense of cultural, racial, or ethnic identity is healing and can be especially important during adolescence. I am honored to work with youth on this often complex and nuanced journey. Together, we can also unpack the connections related to trauma, cultural identities, and various forms of oppression that can affect our daily lives, the stories we hold about ourselves, and how we feel in the world.
Queer , LGBTQIA2S+, & gender expansive youth & young people Affirming therapy that provides the room to explore, process, and celebrate developing identities is essential for queer, LGBTQIA+, and gender expansive youth. My commitment to providing an open space for queer youth & young adults is central to my practice for both personal & clinical reasons. Whether you feel solid in your identities, are questioning, are not “out”, or anything in between, I’m here to meet you where you’re at & be a support.